Castellum aggravates the result – develops in the Nordic region | Gothenburg after


Listed real estate company Castellum owns commercial properties for offices, warehouses and logistics. And the company continues to post solid numbers – the management result of about 1.25 billion crowns in the first half of last year rose to 1.42 billion in the first half. This corresponds to a 14% increase, as noted by CEO Henrik Saxborn who exceeds the target of 10%.

– I feel even more secure in my previous guide that Castellum, in the state, has good opportunities for 2018 now the goal of a 10% improvement in management results he says.

At the same time, incomes rose from just over $ 2.56 billion to $ 2.74 billion over the first half of last year

– Sweden can not even meet our growth needs

It explains that the company aims to become one of the main players of the Finnish capital within its segment and

Henrik Saxborn also explains that it will be more clearly focused on logistics properties.

– We are one of the largest logistics property owners and are excellent

Investment Bureau

At the same time, the vacancy rate is very low in the Commercial real estate portfolio of the company, especially in major cities and Gothenburg.

Another news that Castellum presents in the quarterly report is a focus on co-working, that is, office hotels where businesses and individuals can rent surfaces for longer periods or less long. The investment will begin in Gothenburg and Stockholm in the autumn. The company has developed its own flexible office concept and has also developed a digital platform for its customers, "Work for tomorrow".

Henrik Saxborn said Friday that he had a well-stocked project portfolio, solid financial data and a rating. Castellum now holds properties worth about 84 billion Swedish crowns

. Castellum's share rose Friday morning on the initial stock exchange – the company is listed on the large stock market capitalization of the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

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