CATL opens the battery for electric cars in Germany


The contemporary Chinese battery manufacturer Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL) is focusing on electric vehicles and said it will open a 600-job factory in Thuringia, Germany.

The battery factory will be the first CATL factory The company manufactures batteries out of China, which demonstrates the company's commitment to meet the demand of the European and German market for batteries of electric vehicles.

– After intensive negotiations lasting more than a year in China and Germany, we managed to persuade CATL to choose Thuringia. We are pleased that a world market leader like CATL is dependent on Thuringia to propel the growth and development of its battery technology, "said Thuringian economist Wolfgang Tiefensee

The New Battery Factory Highly Automated will be developed to produce 14GWh by 2022 and create about 600 new jobs. The plant is expected to occupy 70 hectares in the industrial area of ​​Erfurter Kreuz. The plant will also contain an R & D center for automated production and intelligent manufacturing technology with a focus on battery production.

CATL will create a project company in Thuringia as an independent company specializing in manufacturing, R & D and logistics. f, b, e, w, n, t, p)
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