Cell in the brain can improve memory |


When a person with dementia forgets that she has just eaten, it is because the hippocampus is damaged. On the other hand, the same person can explain in detail his fishing trip to Norway 40 years ago.

In both cases, episodic memory is used to memorize the events to which the brain has been implicated.

Researchers at the University of Uppsala have now discovered, with Brazilian colleagues, that a specific neuron in the brain is essential to learning.

Inactivate the increase of memory capacity
"Gatewatch Cells" – or OLM cells as they are called in commercial languages. When OLM cells were overactivated in experiments on experimental mice, the memory and learning of the mice deteriorated.

It turned out that when OLM cells were turned off, the formation of new memories worked better. This could give a better understanding of how a single component of memory circuits can affect memory formation.

– We expected that we could impair learning because it is closer to the fact that the influence on the nerve circuits interferes with the nerve circuits. normal function. So we were surprised when we saw that learning and memory could also be improved, says Klas Kullander.

It also gives hope of being able to counter memory loss in Alzheimer's disease and dementia. A receptor for nikotine

The Kullenberg research group discovered in 2012 gatewatch cells, also called OLM-alpha2 cells. The gatekeepers are part of a network of several other nerve cells in the hippocampus memory area. receptor for nicotine.

Hippocampus is an area of ​​the brain that creates memories and helps us learn new things. And the porter's cells contain a receptor for nicotine that can explain how smoking affects our ability to remember and sort information,

– It is known that nicotine has an impact on the hippocampus, but that Is the first time Klas Kullander said in a press release of 2012 : New discoveries explain the influence of nicotine on memory and learning

These are in The region of the hippocampus brain, as you know, is used to form new memories. The new findings of the Kullanders research group show that the activity of OLM cells affects the integration of memories in the brain.

The first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, the most common and best known dementia, are insufficient memory. For those who suffer from dementia symptoms, the loss of memory functions is a major daily problem. Unfortunately, there is no cure or medicine that can stop the development of dementia.

– The next step is therefore to study this question in other experiments on animal experimentation. We need more knowledge before trying to artificially stimulate the OLM cell on people, "says Klas Kullander.

The study:
OLMα2 cells modulate bi-directional learning. Samer Siwani, Arthur S. C. França, Sanja Mikulovic, Amilcar Reis, Markus M. Hilscher, Steven J. Edwards, Richardson N. Leão, Adriano B. Tort, Klas Kullander. Neuron (in press)

Klas Kullander, [email protected]

Klas Kullander is Professor in the Department of Neuroscience and Neural Circuit Research and Function. His international research group studies nerve cell circuits important for learning, memory, motor skills and cognition. The studies are conducted with genetic methods, molecular biology and electrophysiology.

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