CEO of Orexo: "We are positive about the patent dispute"


The pharmaceutical company Orexo clearly shows an improvement in its profitability, and despite a competitive position with more generic drugs on the market, sales of the drug Zubsolv increase against opioid dependence

. Nikolaj Sørensen

: "Generic products are growing faster than our patented pharmaceuticals, but we have managed to increase our market share somewhat compared to the previous quarter for Zubsolv. that the company is now selling in larger volumes. "In the future, we expect further savings because we are going to change the contract manufacturers, which should result in an additional 10 percent effect by the end of this year," says Nikolaj. Sørensen

The report also highlights the company's strong cash flow, which allowed Orexo to be well capitalized. At the end of June, the fund registered 495 million Swedish crowns

"A solid capital base offers us good opportunities to develop the company", explains Nikolaj Søensen

Orexo wants to develop its drug pipeline and actively seek drug licenses Nikolaj Sørensen

"We are now investing a lot of resources to examine the commercial opportunities available," he explains.

A sales trend as strong as in the second quarter is not to be expected in the second quarter. "We expect an increase in prescriptions, but to maintain the same growth as in the second quarter, it is necessary to conclude more contracts with more insurance companies," says Nikolaj Sørensen.

During Wednesday, the worst competitor Indivor also participated in the winnings. The British company dominates the US market with its drug Suboxone Film, but is struggling with a new deposit formulation recently launched

"Sales for their deposit formulation did not meet expectations at all. has also been exposed to increased competition from generics, "says Nikolaj Sørensen

No effect on Orexo in this regard is actually seen when the company lived for generic drugs for a longer period. [19659004] "What can happen is that it changes the dynamics of the market, which would be beneficial because we are the only company to market a sublingual product (tablet under the tongue, red)," says Nikolaj Sørensen

In the case of patents with Actavis, it is still the time of the future.Orexo has three patents that protect Zubsolv in the United States until 2032, one of which is my The message was expected in the first half of the year but has not yet come from the US court.

"Since this has taken time, we feel that it is because the decision has been changed to go to the district courts (corresponding to the decision of the Swedish Court of Justice, red) and a judgment had already come, we are optimistic about this, "says Nikolaj Sørensen

What happens if you lose the dispute with Actavis? two more patents to protect Zubsolv in the US by 2032, so if we lose now, we will start a new process, which means that there will be a new dispute, then Actavis will probably not able to launch generics before the settlement of the dispute. we, these patents can be launched in 2019, we win, we block Actavis until 2032, "says Nikolaj Sørensen

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