Cheap personal data on the black market


Photo: Leif R Jansson / TT

Data from Facebook, Netflix and Spotify, for example, are illegally sold to an online scam. The entire digital life of a person can cost the equivalent of 500 SEK, according to Kaspersky Lab.

Personal information is searched at the back of the Internet. Data from Facebook, Netflix and Spotify, for example, are sold illegally to a murderer. The entire digital life of a person can cost the equivalent of 500 SEK, according to Kaspersky Lab.

A computer security company investigated cybercrime as an identity and number of data in Europe. 59% of the 7,000 European consumers concerned know that more or less doubtful gamblers are making money selling data, but half do not know how much personal information is worth.

As a result, many people suffer from network security.

"I do not think so much about ignorance as to be lazy and naive," says David Jacoby, security expert at Kaspersky Lab.

Often by phishing

The company discovers that a person's entire life on the Internet can be sold for less than $ 50, or nearly $ 500, on the black market. Next, social media accounts, banking details and information, among others, from Netflix, Spotify and dating apps can be included. Individual accounts can be sold for just one dollar, about ten crowns.

The stolen information can be used for extortion purposes, where you have to pay to recover their accounts, or sell them to actors who send spam. The money earned can enter another criminal activity.

The flight often occurs during a so-called online fishing.

– You get a link on Facebook or Instagram, for example. This may trigger an invitation to reconnect, but it is wrong. So when you log in, you go to the criminals' website where the information is recorded, says David Jacoby.

to change the password

Most often, login credentials are included in a password database that has leaked, which Adobe and Linkedin have suffered in recent years.

– Therefore, it's important to vary and not have the same password everywhere, says David Jacoby.

To facilitate the memorization of several passwords, his advice is not a problem. A password does not need to mix uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers to be sure.

– A password can also be "Jaggillarblåabilar". You can have a static password from which you go but that varies with a specific word at each site.

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