Check the bath temperature directly on your mobile


Photo: Claes Jonasson

Do you want to go out and swim, but wonder if it's hot enough in the water to dive? Now, just take a look at the phone to find answers.

It is the Karlshamn energy that sets up buoys in the larger bathing places of the municipality. On wild boars, there are sensors that measure the temperature of the water. The bears are deployed in the water in Kollevik, Sternö, Långasjön and Elleholm.

With connected cabins, you can send bath temperature information directly to the mobile and it is available to anyone who has downloaded the application Karlshamn Energy

– This is a pilot project we created with LoRa and IoT. We wanted to test the technology and the choice focused on bathing temperatures which are a hot topic during the summer months, and our city lovers are delighted, "says Patrick Ågren, head of the sector broadband. LoRa is a standardized wireless technology that has long range, low power consumption and secure data transfer.

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