China Mobile is also arrested in the United States


The Chinese operator, China Mobile, is not allowed to operate in the United States. Huawei and ZTE were blocked.

"Despite extensive discussions with China Mobile, concerns over the increased risk of US justice and national security have not been resolved," writes the National Telecommunications and Telecommunications Administration. information. In a press release

It was in 2011 that China Mobile – the world's largest mobile operator with 899 million subscribers – filed a license application on the French FCC market for provide mobile services in the United States. The refusal can be seen as part of the trade war launched by the US administration.

Huawei has long been banned in the United States with the same justification as China Mobile for products to pose a security risk.

ZTE suffered a billion and a ban on buying US components this spring following the violation of the trade embargo

Posted on 19 July 2018

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