China's Answer: The Greatest Commercial War of History – News


The United States levied 25 percent tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 34 billion. It mainly consists of machines, electronics and other high tech cars like cars, LED lights and hard drives for computers.

China will return to the agricultural products of the states where President Donald Trump has his greatest support. Cho.

Can be extended extensively

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A Chinese broker follows the evolution of Friday

In July, the United States will investigate the effects, and gradual increases have already been announced, unless the effect of customs does not occur make you feel. Cho thinks that there is some kind of negotiation at the same time.

Trump said that he could let the tariffs include products for $ 500 billion, so rounding up the value of everything the United States imported from China last year. It goes without saying that China can oppose direct tariffs on US exports to China because it is lower than Chinese exports to the United States. China's next move could be sanctions against US companies in China, Cho said.

Threats against the WTO

China has already stated that it would defend the interests of the World Trade Organization. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Friday that the countermeasures had come into force, but that it was unclear what they implied.

The United States accuse the Chinese exporting industry of "stealing crown jewels" of American know-how through computer espionage.

US trade deficit against China rushed to $ 375.2 billion last year.

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