Clearly: LKAB buys hotels in new center – News


LKAB will buy a new hotel in the new center of Kiruna. LKAB will own the building, management will be provided by LKAB Real Estate and the hotel will be managed by the Scandic hotel chain. The mining giant has signed an agreement with Skanska, which will build the hotel. In a press release, LKAB writes that this hotel will be the largest in Kiruna and will accommodate 230 rooms, a restaurant and Kiruna's "first" slider.

"We are proud to be part of a new urban hotel in Kiruna, which consolidates LKAB's strong future confidence and replaces the impact of mining." We are also pleased that Skanska has chosen to to be established here and that Scandic shares our future confidence and chooses to expand, "said Stefan Hämäläinen, head of social transformation at LKAB's Managing Director.

The hotel will be completed in October 2021.

"We are delighted to be involved in the creation and development of the new Kiruna Center, and the new hotel, like our present, will be a meeting place for hot and busy travelers and we will be able to offer something "Unique with our planned clouds, this will truly give a hotel experience beyond the usual," said Peter Jangbratt, Swedish director of Scandic.

"We are pleased to participate in the development of the new Kiruna, and together with Scandic we have developed a hotel that will become a landmark in the city," said Bernt Lundstedt, Business Development Manager at Skanska Sverige AB.

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