Collaboration to find solutions during the drought


Rural Affairs Minister Sven-Erik Bucht, Director General of Agriculture Christina Nordin and LRF Chair Palle Borgström met for a press conference on drought and the consequences for Swedish food production. The managing director of Bucht and the Swedish Agricultural Agency, Christina Nordin, are using it to solve the dire situation that the drought has caused to Swedish food production. Photo: Isabella Odmark

The situation of Swedish food production is very serious. The government is now collaborating, among others, with the Swedish Council of Agriculture and LRF to find solutions that make it easier for farmers.

– We must remember that there is no comprehensive solution, we must reduce the risks and difficulties. Our main goal now is to get roughage to feed our animals. We have good cooperation with the authorities, the Swedish Agricultural Agency and the LRF. We have also started a dialogue with the European Commission on crisis support, says Sven-Erik Bucht.

Several Actions

Among the actions discussed are major breakthroughs, crisis support and regulatory easing

– We try to Settlements are available so that they do not stop you from harvest as much food as possible. We also went to the European Commission and asked to increase early support from 75 to 85% to increase the liquidity of our farmers. We continually inform and try to have clear information on our website, so it's easy to know what to do, "says Christina Nordin

The consequences for Swedish agriculture are serious and LRF wants to speed up the payment of aid to farmers, for example. 19659004] – The situation gets worse every day. The grain harvest is badly affected and it is difficult to feed the animals. We hope everyone with unused fleas offers grass and hay to farms in need. We also call on the government to accelerate payments of previous agricultural aid and to receive EU crisis funds. Palle Borgström explains that many farms are threatened with liquidity because of the loss of income

Important to buy Swedish

Due to shortage of food, animals will be slaughtered more than d. habit and waiting lines are already long

kill more animals than normal, so now I would like to appeal to consumers that you choose Swedish meat when shopping. That makes a big difference, says Palle Borgström.

Sven-Erik Bucht also says that consumers can help farmers by choosing Swedish food.

– There are many different actions that need to be done for this, but we as consumers can help by buying Swedish meat, says Sven-Erik Bucht.

Notice to farmers and other animal owners:

  • Consider the possibility of calibrating cereal crops in healthy crops.
  • Take advantage of trees and other surfaces that are not normally used to feed animals. For now, it is worth carrying longer stretching.
  • Straw can be used as food. Straw is also a great demand to take advantage of all that is available.
  • The import of feed can be imported. See the rules on the website of the Swedish Agricultural Agency
  • You who have pastures or fodder that can be harvested, contact the regional LRF office who can coordinate the needs and requirements. Food supply.

Measures Taken or Under Investigation:

  • On June 13, decisions were made to allow harvesting in areas of ecological interest and trees that are not eligible.
  • For organic production, the county's board of directors was able to derogate from the management rules, thus giving a clear sign of harvesting these fields.
  • Farmers practicing organic farming can challenge non-organic foods. The Swedish Council of Agriculture makes the request.
  • Work is under way to obtain an exception to the EU rules on seeds. The seed to use for next spring will not be enough because the year 's crop yields little in the crop. Therefore, efforts are being made to use cereals from crops that would actually have been delivered to the plant next year.
  • Sweden has asked the European Commission to increase the contribution of rural subsidies from 75% to 85%.
  • The conditions for the support of the EU crisis are reviewed.

The article was published on Monday 09 July, 2018

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