Commuters between Uppsala and Stockholm are the winners


Trafikverket presented cruel figures for the month of May and the punctuality of fog when a third long-distance train was delayed . The worst punctuality since 2013. But there is an exception. Uppsala – Stockholm

SVT News Uppsala took note of the latest figures from June on the journey between Uppsala and Stockholm, and again it shows good punctuality.

Punctuality increases – but errors are visible

It is therefore the most punctual route in all of Sweden and, in the last seven years, punctuality has increased by almost eight percentage points .

But even so, people remember mistakes. When the train does not leave at the time. And just this fall have had exceptionally a lot of problems with train delays, but it's nothing that draws statistics over time.

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Jan Kyrk is Commercial Director at SJ. Photo: SVT

– We have had many incidents throughout the year and we are working to get rid of them and further improve punctuality, says Jan Kyrk, Chief of Staff. Company at SJ

Hundreds have put "

Now, it's not just about delays.Some trains do not go at all.However, all canceled trains are not included in statistics

– No, it is true on the distance between Uppsala and Stockholm, only one in a hundred is fixed.

And the sight of punctuality and trains put SJ to make a survey of nearly 20 000 travelers, where those who never train believe that only 50% of the trains are at the time, while those who commute often get close to the truth when they appreciate the punctuality

on the We have a schedule where we have the exact time when the train leaves and arrives We do not write that it happens at the age of nine, for example. It makes traveling a lot with a small margin and I also think that it is possible to do it.

Welcome to future traffic routes

And the journey between Uppsala and Stockholm continues to increase. Over the past year, the already popular distance has increased by 20% for SJ travelers, if you include those traveling with SL and UL, and it is also the distance that has the longest fog if you leave ski to Upper Norrland. I think we will see an increased number of travelers to the area, "says Church, who is one of those who host a four-year-old company in the future.

Footnote: A train is considered punctual with a five minute margin of error.

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