Coop helps animals in drought – gives food


The ravaging drought has become a problem for Swedish farmers – and there is a great shortage of food. To help local farmers and animals feed, several grocery stores have set up fruits and vegetables.

Ica Kvantum in Ystad decided this weekend to invite farmers to pick up daily fruits and vegetables. except Tuesday after 2 pm

– Now the situation is a bit acute. My colleagues took the initiative this weekend and put it in two Facebook groups – and they spread. Yesterday, there should have been someone and picked up some fruit. We will see how many people will come, "said Christian Olofsson, store manager, in Kvällsposten.

A total of 18 stores offer fruit and vegetable remains to peasant animals.

Photo: Coop Kristianstad Blekinge

Huge Answer

Now Coop in Kristianstad and Blekinge has also decided to help. On their Facebook page, they published an advertisement entitled "See all farmers in Kristianstad, Blekinge, Östra Göinge and Mellanskåne – we cooperated with Coop Kristianstad Blekinge to help you as much as possible during the food crisis."

The answer was really huge! We have 18 stores and half of them have already received several calls from farmers, "says Per-Ola Färdig, marketing manager of Coop Kristianstad Blekinge.

But farmers are not the only ones to be satisfied with Coop's offer, but in the field of comments on Facebook, the answers are positive

– Many have written that they thought that the initiative was good and very fun to hear. said Per-Ola Finished.

READ MORE: After the drought: Coop's decision to support Swedish farmers

Provides assistance for as long as necessary

Coop Kristianstad Blekinge announces that they will offer their wine cellar as long as necessary

– Otherwise, we will not get closer to our peasants, it is good to tie a contact, and we think that it is good that everything the world can stand up and help each other in a crisis, "says Per-Ola Färdig.


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