Danske Bank, Nordea and Handelsbanken confirm: Boris Rotenberg condemns banks for breach of contract | domesticated


The Russian oligarch and Finnish citizen Boris Rotenberg has sued a number of banks for breach of contract as a result of sanctions taken by the United States against Russia. The Bloomberg news agency has already reported on the murder demand on Friday.

The atmosphere applies to Nordea, Danske Bank, OP Yrityspankki and Svenska Handelsbanken. Rotenberg accuses banks of breach of contract in connection with US sanctions against Russia. He reports, among others, Dagens Industri and Taloussanomat.

Three of the banks confirm the information to STT but do not wish to comment on individual client cases.

"Danish banks attach great importance to the prevention of money laundering and related sanctions, and have taken a number of important steps to ensure compliance with the regulations," said the press officer. Danske Bank, Josi Tikkanen.

Boris Rotenberg and his brother Arkadij were placed in 2014, after the annexation of Crimea, on a US sanctions list. According to the United States, the brothers shot themselves in the head of the buildings in front of the OS in Sochi.

Boris Rotenberg does not appear on European sanctions lists, but Nordic banks are forced to comply with US sanctions on individuals if they want to continue working with US banks, writes Dagens Industri about Bloomberg .

The mood was submitted to the District Court of Helsinki on October 4.

Source: STT

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