Debate: "No woman should ignore that she may suffer from osteoporosis"


Half of all Swedish women over the age of 50 will suffer from a form of fracture – a broken wrist or shoulder, for example. This means that the risk of fracture is higher than the overall risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.

About 80,000 fractures a year are due to osteoporosis, osteoporosis. Is a hip fracture, the chances are bad. One in five women die in the first year. In Sörmland, around 228 women experience a hip fracture each year. Not a woman should not ignore that she may have osteoporosis!

These patients are also the second to "expensive" for care after stroke patients. For Sörmland, they cost $ 49 million in direct health care costs, calculating municipal costs to increase efforts, rehabilitation, adaptation of housing and thus double the cost. Personal suffering is insatiable.

When we are so "expensive", it is difficult to understand why the basic improvements are not made. Today, less than 20 percent are treated for their disease. Anyone diagnosed with osteoporosis should be treated. Half of those who have had a hip fracture have had a warning fracture, such as an arm, wrist or compression. In addition, drugs are cheap, so where we do not understand, we do not understand. Correct drug treatment for osteoporotic patients reduces the risk of fracture or hip compression by up to 40% and 70%, respectively.

A survey of all departmental councils of osteoporosis shows that the care of osteoporosis is very different and generally inferior.

Here are some tips for women to find out if they are at risk of osteoporosis:

* The disease often starts with a fracture associated with daily activities that would not normally occur to be harmful, by example when you cough, sneeze, enter a table, lift something or fall.

* Length – narrowing more than three centimeters before age 70 or five centimeters after age 70 may be a sign of osteoporosis.

* Heredity, did you have osteoporosis or did you fracture several times?

* FRAX puts you to the test. FRAX is a test that shows the risk of fracture in the next decade

Lisa Keisu Lennerlöf

President Osteoporosförbundet

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