Diabetes – an invisible disease | Gothenburg after


In Sweden, about half a million people have diabetes. Although it is a long-standing disease, it is relatively invisible. World Diabetes Day will change. It is a good day for a better understanding of the chronic disease, which causes the death of five people every day.

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In 1991, World Diabetes Day was launched at the initiative of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and WHO, after the disease has increased dramatically worldwide. The fact that it is only November 14 is due to the fact that Frederick Banting was born on November 14th. Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin in 1921.

Cajsa Lindberg is president of the Diabetes Association.

"In my opinion, such a day is important because it is an invisible disease, both for the sick and for society, because there is a lot of knowledge.This is a day when we do not let's talk about diabetes, it's necessary.

Do you think it makes a difference?

"It started in the 90s, so I do not know what it was before, but I want to think it made a difference." Cajsa Lindberg adds that more people have heard of the disease.

Two types of diabetes

In addition to the 500,000 people with diabetes, the Diabetes Association estimates that another 150,000 people have the disease without knowing it.

Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes mean that your blood sugar level is high, but the reason for getting it and the way it is treated are different.

In type 1, the body produces no insulin because diabetes attacks the immune system in pancreatic insulin-producing cells. From the first day, it is therefore necessary to inject insulin by injection and there is currently no cure for the disease.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common. 85 to 90% of diabetics are type 2 and usually affect the elderly. At type 2, the images always look like insulin but are not enough. Overweight, inactive lifestyle, stress and old age increase the risk of contracting type 2.

None of the two types can still be cured, but lifestyle changes with physical activity and changing dietary habits can keep blood sugar at a normal level.

The diabetes gala is sent Wednesday at 8 pm, which will both raise awareness of the disease and raise funds for research.

Symptoms of diabetes:

Increased thirst, kisses more frequent and more numerous.

Weight loss.


Looks blurry.

Repeated urinary infections.

In type 1, the disease manifests itself between days and weeks with obvious symptoms.

In type 2 diabetes, however, blood sugar levels slowly increase for a long time and the symptoms are more unclear.

Source: Diabetes Association

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