Disagreement chief economist on the interest rate decision | THE BUSINESS WORLD


Three chief economists disagree that it was right for the Riksbank to leave the repo rate unchanged and whether the Riksbank will actually rise before the turn of the year.

Anna Breman, chief economist at Swedbank, thinks that the Riksbank should already increase and we still believe in a 10-point increase in December.

"We believe in 10 points in December They do not agree that they are struggling to find a strategy where they want to come in the long run." Anna Öster, CFO of Länsförsäkringar, who has long suggested high interest rates, answered "nja" to the question of whether the Riksbank was right and motivated this decision.It is not possible at the Riksbank of

"But you should dare to reevaluate yourself and think about it again, otherwise you will only be left in the wrong.

Anna Öster was also critical of the extension of the currency's mandate.

"I think it's a soft signal because it's a crisis," says Anna Öster.

She adds that the risks have increased recently, including in the housing market, but she considers exports as a disadvantage.

Annika Winsth, Nordea's chief economist, thinks the Riksbank is a little more hawkish. . However, she does not think that there will be a rise in interest rates before the turn of the year and the Riksbank will have to change.

"Underlying inflation is far from reaching the goal.

Annika Winsth also thinks it's natural for some members of the executive committee to override the others because that we are in a change now.

"I think we should expect that to continue. three, because Cecilia Skingsley also reported wanting to increase, "said the chief economist.

The other two chief economists agreed that Stefan Ingves" became central "in terms of turnaround.

that the next Minister of Finance will keep the money in the first budget and that Sweden has the strength to face the next crisis.

They all wanted a new general tax reform, but thought that politicians have until now. Here was unclear about the details,

The Riksbank announced on Tuesday that they were to leave their key rates unchanged, but the decision was unpleasant.Henry Ohlsson would report 25 points directly at -0.25 percent and would now have Martin Flodén's company reporting in September / October

The Riksbank reiterated that it was planning to start raising interest rates by the end of the year. .] f anointing (f, b, e, w, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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