Disney har köpt Fox upp for 71.3 miljarder dollar –


Giving a shot to a skier from Disney Skulle köpa Fox upp. Comcast drog sig nyligen ur förhandlingarna och överlämnade budgetivningen åt Disney. Idah! Uppdagades nyheterna att företaget köpt Fox for 71.3 miljarder dollar the men själva förhandlingen kommer inte nå sitt slut förrän i början på nästa år. For all Marvel-fantaster innebär detta med andra ord Marvel nu kan använda Fantastic Four samt X-Men i framtida filming.

"We are incredibly pleased that the shareholders of both companies have granted us permission to go forward, and are confident in our ability to create meaningful long-term value. through this acquisition of Fox's core assets.We are grateful to Rupert Murdoch and the rest of 21st Century Fox's Board of Directors for entrusting us with the future of these extraordinary companies, recognizing the outstanding talent of 21st Century Fox for Disney and finally the integration of our activities to provide consumers around the world with content and entertainment options more appealing. "


For more information about this product, contact us . FBauthStatus = "unknown";

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function FastRegister () {
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other {
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function FastRegisterResponse () {
$ .ajax ({
type: "POST",
url: "/ajaxstuff/fastRegister.php",

.done (function (code) {
$ (# Re_loginbox #); replaceWith (code);
// console.log (code);
$ (& # 39 ;. loginWrapper & # 39;). show ();
.fail (function (jqXHR, msg) {
console.log ("failed request");
$ (selectorForLoginMessage) .text (msg) .show ();
return false;

function LoginWithFacebook (selectorForLoginMessage, fbUpdateUser) {

FB.login (function (response) {
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// console.log (user);
if (selectorForLoginMessage == & # 39; # fbLoginMessageMain & # 39;)
main = true;
$ .ajax ({
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url: "/ajaxstuff/fblogin.php",
data: {userobj: user, fbUpdateUser: fbUpdateUser, main: main}
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console.log ("is connected" + code);
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$ (& # 39 ;. signin & # 39;). addClass (& # 39; active-signin & # 39;);
if ($ (& # 39 ;. login). hasClass (& # 39; active-login & # 39;)) {
$ (& # 39 ;. login & # 39;). removeClass (& # 39; active-login & # 39;);
var request = new GRAsync ();
var path = /ajaxstuff/join.php? ajaxRequest & # 39 ;;
request.setUrl (path)
.setSelectors ($ (# joinContainer & # 39;))
.setData ({register: true, facebookUser: user})
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.setType (& # 39; POST & # 39;)
. send a request ();

other {
window.location = "/";

$ (# Re_loginbox #); replaceWith (code);
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location.reload (true);
.fail (function (jqXHR, msg) {
console.log ("failed request");
$ (selectorForLoginMessage) .text (msg) .show ();

} other {
// console.log (& # 39; Login canceled by the user or did not fully allow. & # 39;);
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// TODO: Do not ask publish_actions by default. This could scare some users. Ask later, when they really want it.
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window.location.search = & # 39;? & # 39; + newParamStr;

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