DNB Norpar Swedbank a major business leader


Elisabeth Beskow leaves the role of shared manager of large companies and institutions of Swedbank.

Swedbank will leave at the DNB Elisabeth Beskow, one of the two big companies of the sector of large enterprises and institutions

In DNB, Beskow becomes the new head of Northern Europe as well as DNB . for the Swedish movement with about 400 employees. She succeeds Mats Wermelin, who directs DNB's operations in the United States

Swedbank will now be responsible for its other head of large corporations and institutions, Ola Laurin, to become the sole manager of the industry. activity.

Both Banks

– With Elisabeth Beskow, we will have a strong leader with vast experience in key areas that DNB specializes in Sweden and Northern Europe – large companies and investment bank. It is responsible for the largest market outside of Norway with which we are currently facing, "says Vidar Andersen, head of DNB operations outside Norway.

Andersen adds that DNB's business in Sweden and Northern Europe has increased significantly in recent years, and with Elisabeth Beskow as Head of Accountability, we have further enhanced our opportunity to grow . "

For Swedbank, the departure of Beskow still means head carousel Last June, it was announced that Lars Ljungälv, head of the Business Coverage business unit, left it to the management of the bank and the management a role of CEO of the owners of Citygross, Bergendahl & Son Elisabeth Beskow and Ola Laurin were then ordered to "take over the functions of Ljungälv"

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