Drag the fight for tasks within the G20


The world is characterized by an increasingly tense business climate and several geopolitical contradictions that threaten global growth. He notes finance ministers and leaders of major world economies in a G20 final communication project in Buenos Aires, as reported Reuters Agency

. Representatives of the United States and the EU in Buenos Aires have presented a fierce free trade agreement – but they ask the opposite party to come back to talk about it

– My message is clear: the same message than President G7, said US Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin

– If Europe believes in free trade, we are ready to sign a free trade agreement without customs, without other barriers commercial and without subsidies. The United States therefore think that Europe and China have, in part, too high trade barriers. That's why the United States set up new customs, Mnuchin and his boss, Donald Trump, mean

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire thinks it's extortion

– We refuse to negotiate with a weapon against the skull. The Mayor said at the media meeting at the ministerial meeting in Buenos Aires, which began Saturday for two days.

Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) explained that, at worst, the discouraging trade war has a shrinking effect equivalent to half a percentage point of the world economy


According to the G20 project, finance ministers and governors have now agreed on the need for dialogue

are vulnerable to fluctuations in the global economy and economies are developing at different rates – which also means increased risks.

"These factors include increased financial vulnerability, increased trade and geopolitical tensions, global imbalances, inequalities and structurally weak growth. in some advanced economies, "says the statement.

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