Dragkamp on customs within the G20 – News


Representatives of the United States and the European Union in Buenos Aires present a vigorous free trade agreement, but ask the opposing party to come back to this point.

My message is clear According to US Finance Minister Steven Mnuchin, if Europe believes in free trade, we are ready to sign a free trade agreement without customs, without other trade barriers and without subsidies. This is necessary for all three.

The United States therefore believes that Europe and China, in part, have too high trade barriers. That's why the United States is setting up new customs, Mnuchin and his boss say Donald Trump.

Franco's finance minister, Bruno Mayor, thinks it's extortion

We refuse to negotiate with a weapon against the skull. The Mayor said at a media summit at the ministerial meeting in Buenos Aires, which began Saturday and lasts two days.

Christine Lagarde, Executive Director of the IMF, explains that at worst, the gigantic trade war that equates to half a percentage point of the global economy.

It amounts to $ 430 billion, or $ 3.8 billion.

By comparison, the Swedish state budget accounts for about a quarter of this figure, about 1 billion kroner.

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