Dunkin Donuts has millions of debts


From a bright future and big plans for expansion – to bankruptcy and debts of several millions.

– There are about 8 million crowns at the bank in question, says Hans Roth, lawyer and bankruptcy administrator.

At the same time, they are in conflict with the owner of the franchisee in the United States.

On Tuesday, Aftonbladet was able to reveal that Dunkin's Donuts mouthwash went bankrupt in Sweden – and that all stores still ran into trouble.

But a few years ago, the company had big plans for expansion.

– We must have opened at least 30 places by 2019. We are constantly looking for opportunities to locate in the rest of the country, said Linda Lindius, then Area Manager of the United States. company, to Food Supply magazine in May 2015.

and monks dripping sugar are sold – and still make big shoulders.

At Least Eight Million Debts

Hans Roth's attorney, Sandberg & Partners, is responsible for bankruptcy in the case and reports that it is about 39, a debt of several million crowns

– We are in a very early phase and it has not yet obtained all the necessary data, but it is about eight million crowns in the bank with regard to , "he says.

– Then all leases and leases are added, we are talking about additional millions in terms of leases – if it is not completed – and that will not be done on all sites, "says Hans Roth.

In total, there are seven stores in the Stockholm area and a small production unit.Dunkin & # 39; Donuts can also continue to pay rent up to the premises are no longer rented.

Dispute with the franchisor

The company is also in conflict with the franchisor, namely Dunkin & # 39; Donuts in the United States, where there are requirements of both parties. What it's all about is not clear right now.

– I do not know all the details yet, but I know that there is a dispute. How do we end, we do not know, says Hans Roth.

The lawyer argues that you can not see the full extent of the current situation until a bankruptcy bill is handed to the court, which takes a month.

A ranking of the company's debts takes place at the same time as the bankruptcy bill

– Those who are the first paid ones are those who take care of accounting and tax. ;audit. Thereafter, the bank will have subscriptions of companies as collateral in its claims. All other creditors can share this cake since priority has been given, when dividends are paid in proportion to the amount of their claim, "says Roth.

At the moment, he does not believe that there will be a payment to other food owners, without security.

CEO Jimi Metz avoids an email to comment.

Full pay to all

Many unfortunate readers referred to Aftonbladet after news of the monk's bankruptcy.

" Think it sad .. Me and my son Aimé Donutsen in Dunkin, usually go to the Gallerian of Söder and bought a cardboard on special occasions "wrote the signature Stella.

Chris's signature wrote: " It was a good break at work when we had donuts DD.I will miss them."

With respect to the dismissals and worried staff, a soothing message emerges about their salary.

– Individuals will receive wages through their wage guarantee.There are certain limits, but I do not think it will reach them. a compensation issue, "says Hans Roth.

Getting a bankruptcy bill will take about a month, but the lawyer believes that he will work on this case well longer than that. [19659004] Is this a big deal?

– Yes, there is no small business in each case, it is even bigger, but it is not a big deal is not a small thing

The three titles of the day Wednesday, July 25 00:29

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