ECB does not touch policy rate


The prime interest rate – the lowest bid rate during the refinancing process – is thus maintained at 0.00%. The deposit rate remained unchanged at -0.40%

It communicated to the ECB during a conference call

In the Reuters survey, the 96 analysts were waiting for it the ECB leaves the deposit rate unchanged. All refinancing and loan rates are unchanged.

The refinancing rate was changed to March 10, 2016, when it was lowered by 5 points to 0.00%. The deposit rate was also changed as of March 10, 2016, after being reduced by 10 points to -0.40%.

The ECB reiterates that the asset purchase program will continue with monthly purchases of 30 billion euros until September and then 15 billion euros per month in October. to December to finish afterwards.

The ECB Council also expects interest rates to remain "at current levels at least until the summer of 2019" and in any case as long as necessary. The trend of inflation remains consistent with the prospect of a sustainable adjustment path.

The ECB also states that it will continue to reinvest the outstanding loans for an extended period after the end of the net purchase and in any event as long as it will be required to maintain favorable liquidity conditions. high level of stimulus of monetary policy.


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