Economists: "Reducing Collective Agreement Today – They Must Be Modernized"


The labor market is fundamentally changing. Homework and tasks become more complex. The roles go into each other. They are not as clear and clear as before. Globalization continues and we are supposed to be connected 24 hours a day and available for other time zones. New technologies make it possible and often desirable to set up uncomfortable work schedules. Being able to work outside their own time zone has become a prerequisite.

Companies and employees must find flexible solutions that help the individual maintain the balance of his life while avoiding the competitiveness of the company. Flexible new solutions are complicated by collective agreements created for older work environment models. In the complex world of today, it no longer works with solutions for everyone. But it 's just like the collective agreement of today is built.

Civil economists with their 44,000 members experience an increased demand for individual solutions. Solutions that can help people build lifespan and maintain their health. The lack of flexibility in the current collective agreement could increase mental health and adversely affect business competitiveness.

The lack of flexibility in the current collective agreement could worsen psychological problems and adversely affect the competitiveness of companies.

unions and employers. But we think it's going too slowly. We propose that the parties in the Swedish labor market accelerate the development towards more modern collective agreements. The goal is to design agreements that support a climate of innovation in the company and stimulate the driving forces of the individual. A good performance should be better rewarded and collective agreements should offer a competitive advantage and employee safety. We propose that collective agreements be modernized as follows:


Open for more individual solutions. Today, employees have the opportunity to enter into individual agreements with employers based on their own needs. This can, among other things, affect the benefits that facilitate the work of daily living in everyday life, flexible or shorter working hours and more vacation days. The ability to influence their work situation is to prevent ill health.

Collective agreements should therefore be open to more individual agreements depending on whether you are in a junior or senior phase of your career or that you are new parents. some examples. It will also be easier to exchange different benefits, which is complicated by the current collective agreement. For example, not all collective agreements provide an opportunity to change vacation pay on days off.


Awards and prizes. Salaries should be set locally and based on employee performance and business conditions. It is important that the employer can attract and retain the skills the business needs while ensuring that the individual's performance is rewarding. This means that the ability of the individual to influence his / her terms of employment must increase compared to traditional collective agreements.


Refine the process of wage formation. The salary call assumes that the manager can influence compensation. Unfortunately, many employees face a situation where the salary negotiation manager does not have the mandate to pay and where the terms of the payroll are not known. Collective agreements need to be tightened at this stage. This also applies to the possibility of payroll. Yet, many employees do not face any call. Thanks to Saco's studies, we know that wage earners have higher wages than those who do not. This is especially true for women. Therefore, it is crucial that everyone has the opportunity to pay a salary. Here again, collective agreements must be clearer


Define the conditions of leadership. New conditions in working life put the old working models to the test. Unlimited work opportunities to work physically and on time outside the workplace as well as working time presupposes leadership. We see a need for a more coaching approach. Leadership must be adapted and managers and employees must balance performance and delivery requirements against the scope of work. Leadership and values ​​that have traditionally been outside of collective agreements must be incorporated into agreements. Developed leadership is also a tool for greater equality and gender diversity.


Support local union work. A prerequisite for the development of collective agreements is that companies support local unions work. The elected officials are a key factor for the future labor market and the conditions for the elected representatives must be strengthened. Therefore, for the development of collective agreements, more local academics are needed


Demands a clear responsibility for the development of skills. The job market is still good for many academics, but the digitization and automation shorten the sustainability of traditional education. Technological development and new regulatory requirements are forcing employers to demand new skills. We are talking about multicompetence, where only education in economics, for example, is inadequate. As an employee, we expect that they will be able to move more and more in several areas of competence. In addition to the economy, it is possible to work strategically with computer systems. In order to ensure employability, we need collective agreements that clearly mark the responsibility of the individual, but also the responsibility of leadership for the development of skills. The ability of the employer to contribute to the development of skills in flexible forms is also important.

Unions and Employers play a very important role in social development. In order to continue to assume this role, innovative thinking is required. The fear of losing privileges that have taken decades to negotiate should not prevent us from making progress. To deal with the changes we have before us, the labor market parties must renew the collective agreements Facts Collective Agreement

A Collective Agreement is an Agreement between an employer or an organization Employers and a workers' organization. Central collective agreements regulate, for example, employment, sick pay, maternity wages, leave, salary increases, overtime and travel allowances.

According to the Medlingsinstitutet there are 670 collective agreements on the Swedish labor market.

Debate DN 9 July 2018

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Civil Economists:

"Scratch the collective agreement of today – they must be modernized"

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