Eight cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of dying prematurely


How many cups of coffee do you drink each day?

If your answer is eight, you're on the right track, according to a recent National Cancer Institute study, writes The Washington Times.

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Recommendation record

The study, published in the journal of the internal medicine of the American Medical Association Monday, shows "This proves once again that drinking coffee can be part of a healthy lifestyle and provide a safe for coffee lovers", The researchers write in the report, according to the Washington Times. [19659002]

READ MORE: New study: Three cups of coffee a day are good for your heart

According to researchers, however, one must be careful about sugar, sweeteners and coffee grinders. These ingredients can contribute to a higher caloric intake.

However, the result is the same whether you prefer coffee, instant coffee or caffeine.

READ MORE: Coffee – 9 reasons to drink it daily

Reduces the risk of disease

The survey was conducted On more than half a million people in Britain and according to researcher Erikka Loftfield, who led the work, the eight cups of coffee can reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

READ MORE: New Study: As a result, coffee drinkers live longer

Even people who drink more than eight cups a day have a higher risk weak to die prematurely. was cookie = document.cookie.match (/ burtSegments = ((ww%?) *) /);
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