Electric cars can be greener than diesel cars


The automotive industry is currently experiencing its greatest transformation. Although the selection of electric cars is now limited, manufacturers are competing in the number of exercises: how many new models will they have on the market and in which year.

The diesel scandal provoked a brutal and daring awakening in the sector. After that, the demands of legislators around the world have been numerous. In many countries, it is now said that the sale of cars equipped with traditional internal combustion engines will be totally prohibited from 2030.

Total impact on the environment

In this context, it is easy to get the impression that the electric car is a divine gift closest to humanity. But is that it?

Researchers are far from agreeing, but most agree that the environmental impact of an electric car goes far beyond non-driving emissions. One of the main problems is how and where the batteries are made. According to the strategy advisers of the German consultancy firm Beryll, it will be possible to build 10 million batteries of 60 kWh for electric cars in 2021. However, many factories will be located in countries such as China, Thailand, Thailand. Germany and Poland, all of which produce fossil fuel, less coal, writes the Bloomberg news agency. The overall impact of the electric car on the environment is further increased if it is loaded with this type of "dirty" electricity.

Not smart

In total, production and operation, according to consulting firm analysis, it will take 10 years, depending on the size of the battery and 1500 mils of driving a year, before a German electric car become greener, that is, less carbon dioxide emissions than modern vehicles. Internal combustion engine car. If the car is produced and operated in Norway, where hydropower dominates, the overall impact on the environment is not even half its size and the electric car hits combustion engines relatively quickly. The same should apply in Sweden.

"It's not very smart to switch from diesel to German coal, electric cars will be better in every respect, but it's obvious that when batteries are produced in coal-burning countries, diesel cars take more of time, "says Peter Carlsson to the Swedish company Northvolt, whose battery production is based on hydropower.

City air winner

However, there is no consensus on these issues. The Brussels-based transport organization, Transport & Enviroment, says that an electric car in Poland releases 25% less carbon dioxide than cars equipped with a diesel engine.

At one point, however, everyone agrees: the air in the big cities will be much better when electric cars will experience a decisive breakthrough.

In its research reports, the Swedish Institute for the Environment IVL pointed out that companies and authorities that buy smart cars in the face of climate must take into account the total emissions throughout their life cycle . Another advice is not to choose electric cars with unnecessarily large batteries.

Facts: Batteries for electric cars

The most common sizes of electric car batteries are today 30, 40, 60 and 100 kWh. A small car with a 40 kWh battery has a range of less than 40 miles.

Several researchers have pointed out that when the overall environmental impact of an electric car is calculated, emissions are often lacking when recycling the battery.

Several of the largest car manufacturers are currently building their own battery manufacturing, particularly in Europe.

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