Elon Musk sends a submarine to captive boys


The super-entrepreneur Elon Musk built a small submarine to rescue captive boys in Thailand. But it is unlikely to be used.

Elon Musk sends the mini submarine to Thailand for safety, but it is unlikely that it will be used, reports Ars Technica.

The twelve boys were trapped with their trainer in the northern Thai cave for several days. During Sunday, four boys could be taken away by divers. During Monday, four more boys went out. The rest hope to be saved in the same way in the coming days.

But Elon Musk worked on alternative methods of rescue. On Saturday, he twisted about a child-sized u-boat, built using the liquid oxygen tank used on the Falcon rocket.

When Thailand Monday

The diameter of the vehicle is 31 centimeters. "Sufficiently easy to be carried by two divers, small enough to pass through small passages.Extremely robust," he tweeted

Elon Musk ordered Space X engineers to start building the vehicle so that it be clear the same day. But when the submarine was finished, the Thai rescue operation had already begun

Musk decided to go ahead and twitter "although that is not helpful here, can -being it will be in a future situation. "

He posted photos on the u-boat, as well as movies during a test in a pool.

A diver is dead

In the Twitter feed, Elon Musk gets a lot of praise for his initiative, but he is also accused of exploiting the situation of boys for advertising.

Another method for Saving Boys is tested locally at the cave. The Independent reports an inflatable nylon tunnel that can be collapsed and dragged into the cave system, then blown with a large fan into the cave. Now, it is tested to see if it is durable enough to handle the edgy edges of the cave.

A diver died during the rescue work.

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