Elon Musk wants to save the boy team – with Hopeborg's technique


The twelve boys and their coaches trapped in a cave in northern Thailand will not be saved for the next day, reports CNN . During the rescue, a rescuer diver died in the cave rescue operation.

Oxygen content fell to 15 percent

Another setback in relief work is new evidence that oxygen levels fall from the cave.

According to a representative of Thai Navy SEAL, oxygen levels dropped to 15 percent. According to a doctor in place, this means a serious risk of hypoxia, the same disease caused by altitude sickness

This may mean that the boy's team can only stay four months in the cave if necessary

To be saved with an inflatable tunnel

The engineer and billionaire Elon Musk, among others Tesla Motors and SpaceX on their merit list, will now send two engineers in Thailand to see if they can help writes CBS News .

This is after one person on Twitter asked Musk if he could help save the 12 boys.

Musk replied via a tweet to You can possibly mount an inflatable tunnel in the cave, which boys can cross.

Musk writes that he sends two engineers. "There are probably many complexities that are difficult to understand without being in place," he writes.

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