Elsco Lime Company Takes $ 335 Million – Skype Founder Invests


Lime closed a $ 335 million financing round with the capital of Uber and Alphabet. He told the company in a blog

The tour was led by GV, formerly Google Ventures, and had new investors IVP and Fidelity. Among the investors was Atomico, the venture capital company that Niklas Zennström, the founder of Skype, had behind him.

The participation of Uber in this round of table means the beginning of a cooperation with Lime. It mainly consists of the taxi service offering expanding the range of services with Limes electric motors on its application.

Lime totaled $ 467 million in capital and the last round gives the company a value of $ 1.1 billion. in 70 cities around the world, competing with, among others, Bird and Jump, whose owner is Uber. Recently, it was revealed that Bird was about to raise $ 150 million from a billion dollars.

At the end of last month, we found that Atomico had invested in French gaming studio Oh Bibi. App.config.debug) console.log ("Loading Facebook SDK AppId: 1525273121070161");
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