Employees at Fiskmagasinet and Enjoy without pay – now they are closed – Norrköping


Last week, we explained how five restaurants and taverns in Norrköping were allowed to serve alcohol. Three of them appealed the decision (two of whom obtained temporary commissioning licenses during the investigation period). But the other two – Fiskmagasinet and Enjoy, belonging to the same company – did not appeal. They have since closed last Friday. Apart from Fiskmagasinet and Enjoy in Knäppingsborg, there are holiday patches for weeks 30 and 31.

Camilla Theander Stein has been Director of Personnel at Fiskmagasinet and is one of the employees concerned. She worked full time at Fiskmagasinet and is now out of work since the restaurant closed indefinitely. She did not receive any salary for the last month

– I can not pay the rent and I have several bills that I can not pay, she says.

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At the door, it is said that the fish shop closes for two weeks

When the restaurants closed last week, the restaurant manager sent an SMS to the employees to pay the salary in 3- 4 weeks. Later, he announced that it will not happen until the company is sold, says Camilla Theander Stein.

– They say that there is no money, but if there is no money now, how to do it in a few weeks ?

She has worked in the food and catering industry since the age of 16 and has never heard of it

– Of course, you have been involved in the fact that your salary has been delayed by a few days. But they say it will be delayed by several weeks and we may not even have a salary – I am completely dumb.

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Enjoy and Fiskmagasinet belong to the same company. Both restaurants are now closed. Camilla Theander Stein is one of the victims of the staff.

Neither Alexandra Stein, who worked as a service employee at Fiskmagasinet, received a salary for the 172 hours she worked in June, she recounts.

– We were completely ovetand about it. I have a schedule for the entire month of July and Camilla told me that they lost the service condition and that she was shut down, she said.

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– I am so disappointed, I can not pay the rent or my other bills. I am completely without money.

The magazine Fish and Enjoy has around twenty employees. According to Camilla Theander Stein, no one has received her salary. We looked for the owner of the restaurant without any result. Neither the employees nor the supervisory authority of the municipality have managed to reach the owner. On the other hand, we arrive at the restaurant manager who says that wages will be paid

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– This is for various reasons that wages will be delayed from two to three weeks.

But there is also a breach of contract

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– Maybe. [19659000] Are you going to appeal the decision to withdraw a service license?

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– I do not know if the owner is in contact with a lawyer now. It is with full knowledge that the municipality ruled that it was inappropriate, simply because the police had sought for something, "said the restaurant manager

. He is not convicted of the crimes, but according to the municipality, the crimes in which the suspicions apply are seriously from the point of view of the law on alcohol.

The restaurant chef states that he does not know how long the food will be closed. He does not know if they are going to sell the company

What do you say to your staff now without money and can not pay the rent?

– I talked to them and I'm so damn sorry for that. But it is not our fault, we can not work without permission

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