Enersize, in collaboration with Venergy, signs a new installation agreement in China with Hankook Tire


Hankook Tire is a new customer for Enersize. The factory has an installed compressor capacity of more than 7 MW and an annual consumption of about 45,000-55,000 MWh.

Hankook Tire is the world's 7th largest manufacturer of vehicle tires and is from South Korea. Hankook is today one of the largest tire manufacturers in China. The company has factories all over the world as well as factories in Jiangsun, Jiaxing and Chongqing in China. The Jiaxing factory produces tens of millions of tires a year.

Enersize will use its newly patented automated analysis as an essential part of the work of analysis and efficiency. The installation is scheduled to begin in August 2018. The installation agreement includes a letter of intent with the client to negotiate the terms of profit sharing agreements in a second phase of the project, when the potential for savings has been measured and identified.

Christian Merheim, Chairman of the Board of Directors Enersize, comments:

"Hankook is a very attractive customer.They are world famous, both in the B2B and consumer markets , and they have a strong presence in their own factories in China, where they have also managed to occupy a leading position among domestic competitors.In addition, it is a big factory with good potential for savings which motivates us to speed up the process by starting with an installation contract and shows that Venergy, Enersize's partner, is able to consistently provide high quality customer projects [19659006] "

Sami Mykkänen, CEO of Enersize, comments:

We are an important pipeline of customers during the processing and it is the 39, one of the projects we did in the spring and summer . We plan to continue to present more completed projects based on the customer pipeline in the current and future quarters.


With this project we are expanding to another sector of the automotive industry. One of the main goals of Enersize is to reduce global energy consumption and CO2 emissions, and much of a vehicle's emissions during its life cycle comes from car manufacturing . With a strong presence in the automotive industry and automotive suppliers, it is gratifying to be able to contribute to the reduction of emissions for the manufacture of vehicles. "

For more information on Enersize, please contact:

Christian Merheim, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Phone: +46 (0) 708

Sedermera Fondkommission is the Certified Counselor of the company. -182 853

E-mail: [email protected]

Or (in English only):

Sami Mykkänen, CEO

Tel: +358 405 59 90 47

E-mail: [email protected]

This information is the information that Enersize Oyj is required to disclose under of the EU Regulation on Market Abuse. Information was provided by the contact person above for publication on July 27, 2018.

Enersize in Brief

Through proprietary patented data collection and analysis software, Enersize can achieve 10-50% energy savings in industrial compressed air systems. 90% of the manufacturing industry uses compressed air which accounts for about 5% of global electricity consumption. Among the existing customers of Enersize are: one of the world's leading manufacturers of flat screens, renowned car manufacturers and steel companies. The company is headquartered in Helsinki and has a development office in Lund. The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North under the symbol: ENERS. www.enersize.com

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