EU warns Trump to introduce car tariffs – News


In a 10-page document to the US Department of Commerce, the EU writes that customs duties of $ 294 million can now be applied, in addition to tariffs of 2.8 billion USD

"Economic analyzes show that the increase in tariffs will be detrimental and especially for the US economy," says the letter to the Ministry of Commerce.

The new threat is linked to President Donald Trump's warning at the end of June to introduce 20 percent tariffs on imports of European cars.

43.6 billion US dollars were exported to the United States while the other side was exported for 6.2 billion dollars. So he wants to see in broad outline that cars for the US market will be manufactured in the United States.

At the same time, Trump also receives criticism from internal members in the form of the American Chamber of Commerce. Given an alliance with Republicans, the Chamber of Commerce is now launching a campaign criticizing Trump's trade policy and highlighting how a global trade war can affect the purses of US consumers

. $ 4 billion according to the estimates of the Chamber of Commerce.

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