Even more burglaries – keep away your thieves – News in Kristianstad – 24 hours a day


The number of reported home mortgages has increased significantly in recent years. This mainly consists of burglaries in apartments that have become more commonplace.

According to the statistics of The National Council the number of registered burglars increased by nine percent between 2016 and 2017.

November is also the month of the year when most burglaries are committed in the country. SBC advice on simple but effective measures to reduce risk.

The home of a burglar can be chosen at random, but many burglars are well planned and carefully prepared. Thieves choose objects that they can work on with confidence and without being disturbed, or in which there are other circumstances that make the task of the guilty party easier.

It is therefore true that reduce the potential of thieves and by taking simple measures, the risk of suffering can be reduced significantly.

– Start by looking at the lighting and plant life around the property. Cut and trimmed bushes prevent thieves from acting serenely when they do not like when it is open and bright around the property, she says Nina Wahlberg, Technical Area Manager, Technical Management at SBC.

It is thought that the number of burglaries in the apartments depends on the availability of the port codes, possibly in connection with increased networking.

"One of the reasons for simple apartment breaks in recent years may be that we issue our port codes more generously, for example to the bidding and delivery companies, and that the port codes do not are not changed frequently, "says Nina Wahlberg.

It is also important to Do not lose an insurance perspective. All exterior doors, windows and balcony doors must be locked or closed and regulated from the inside for the insurance to apply. The upstairs windows can be opened up to 24 hours and, during the night, they can only be open when there is someone in the room.

– Although doors and windows are locked, keys can not be left or hidden near the house. If you suspect that an unauthorized person has the key to accommodation, you must immediately replace the lock, "concludes Nina Wahlberg.

SBC Tips – Keep this in mind to avoid burglaries:

* Examine the environment and lighting around the property.

* Define clear routines for the port code, the frequency with which it should be exchanged and the person responsible for its modification.

* Always lock the door even if you are at home.

* Talk to your neighbors and urge collaboration with neighbors.

* Act as if you were at home. Please leave a light on or on the radio.

* Check locks, both on doors and windows.

* Install alarms. However, keep in mind that you are not automatically protected against burglary simply because you have an alarm. Thieves can also enter through rooms or balcony doors that often lack alarms.

Think about it too if you leave:

* Ask a neighbor to take care of your mail. An overflowing mailbox makes it clear that no one is home.

* Hide valuables and then be creative, thieves often look for rooms, bathrooms and hallways first and with extreme caution. – Be careful to post social media reveals that you are away.

* Deviate any domestic phone to the mobile phone.

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