Expert: A gift brings out the brain and the heart first


Sodium azide is an extremely toxic substance, commonly used in the chemical industry. In Sweden, it is used in research laboratories, says Bert-Ove Lund, toxicologist at the Chemicals Inspection.

The toxic death-related sodium azide substance in Gothenburg is mainly used in Sweden in the laboratory. Stock Photography.picture: Jessica Gow / TT

According to preliminary analyzes, white powder is found in a woman who died in the sodium azide of Gothenburg.

– It's very toxic. It is classified in the EU as being lethal in oral ingestion. To kill small laboratory animals, it takes milligrams. For a human, maybe in grams, says Bert-Ove Lund.

Even breathing the vapors of the powder can be fatal.

Bert-Ove Lund explains that the substance interferes with the use of oxygen by the cells.

– All cells need oxygen, which means that all organs in the body are damaged by the substance. It seems that the heart and the heart appear first, then that other bodies come.

Although it is so toxic, sodium azide has many uses. In Europe, it is widely used in the chemical industry.

"I've seen that in Europe you use up to 1,000 tons per year and the use registered with the European Chemicals Inspection is really very wide." Maybe it's mainly with the synthesis of other chemicals as used here, says Bert-Ove Lund.

Sodium azide is explosive and is also used to trigger airbags.

In Sweden, it is mainly in laboratories that the substance is present, and in smaller quantity.

"I know that in cell testing, it only uses to kill cells.

Bert-Ove Lund has never heard that the substance was used for any type of intoxication.

"I can not think, given its toxicity.

He can not indicate on a right arm what the rules apply to the purchase of sodium azide, but think that it is difficult for an individual to get married on the official path.

"If you want to buy it officially, you have to work in a lab or similar to finish it," he says.

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