Extreme energy worries farmers – must now kill the animals early


All over the country, holidaymakers are enchanted by the extreme heat of summer.

But for the country's peasants, heat and drought led to a crisis

– We need rain now to get a third crop. Otherwise, it is a disaster. Fodder and straw are finished, says Christer Danielsson.

He runs the Larsbo Farm outside Tomelilla, where he has about 1000 animals. Christer says that there are between 20 and 25 tons of food a day on the farm.

May was the driest in 200 years. Since then, the heat has stopped. The drought of last year aggravates the situation.

Hanna Karlsson, aged 42, also shows that she was burned on lawns and eaten food. In the Östrebogård farm, outside Löttorp, on Öland, you have now given winter food to the animals.

– There is almost no grass outside now. We are now heading towards the animal we would have then. If there is no rain there will be a very big problem, says Hanna Karlsson

Drought hits farmers hard


Baptists in Advance

Bönders Crops dry and feed is not enough. Many animals can now be slaughtered prematurely. Increased slaughter can result in lower prices for meat in stores.

But in the long run, this is not good for consumers.

– It does not look bright. Slaughterhouses are in stock and want to lower prices for us. According to Christer Danielsson, consumers do not make a bad year, certainly not in the long run.

Christer now hopes that the country's consumers will buy more Swedish meat to make it easier for him and all the other farmers.

can sell more meat. Let's also hope that more Swedish meat is bought, so the pressure does not get so big and we do not have to get rid of it faster. Christer Danielsson explains that it helps producers

Environmental losses

Cereals and food shortages may become very costly for farmers in the country

According to the LRF, drought can lead to losses several billion. The shortage of food affects farmers of all categories: producers of milk, meat and cereals.

In a TT interview, Lennart Nilsson, Leader of the National Board of Governors of LRF, compared the situation to the drought of 1992. The drought resulted in a loss of three billion crowns.

– At the time, a safety net combine the protection of injuries. The situation could be worse than in 1992. In addition, there is a risk of price increases in the store next year, says Lennart Nilsson.

For Christer and his farm, the drought resulted in the loss of fodder and straw. If he had to slaughter more animals, it could be difficult for the farm.

– We cut too soon, they will be bad animals. If we are shot now and we get poor production, we may have trouble coming back. It is a long-term production

The drought is the worst for several years


Heat up to September [19659011] According to the Danish Meteorological Institute DMI, it is expected The heat lasts until September.

– We probably never had it so dry, which I remember. According to Klaus Larsen, Meteorologist at DMI, I have never seen such dry conditions before.

Stormgeo meteorologist Tora Thomasdottir also says that the heat lasts for a while.

– There will be no great climate change, it's summer heat, "says Tora Thomasdottir

– There is no end.

If it were to rain before that, it would mean that Christer could have one. new crop.

– I hope it's raining this month. But we have to get 100-150 millimeters for a period, not for an hour. Then we can get one to harvest. But we have to get it now. Otherwise, it's too late, he says.

– I have been here for a long time Of course, we were dry earlier, but we still managed to get some crops. But hardly believe that it's like now.

In northern Sweden, drought has not hit as hard. LRF is now calling on farmers to harvest everything for a surplus to distribute to farms without food.

– All that is needed will be necessary, given the situation in southern Sweden, according to Lotta Folkesson, president of LRF Västerbotten.

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