Extremely low groundwater levels – Norran, Skellefteå


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Groundwater levels continue to drop sharply in Sweden . In smaller magazines, levels are now low for the season in most places, according to new SGU figures, the Geological Survey of Sweden. On the other hand, the situation is better in the big magazines.

– The summer has been very, very dry. According to SGU geologist Fredrik Theolin, groundwater levels in small plateaus are extremely low in most parts of Götaland, west and south Svealand and much of Norrland. 19659005] In total, levels in small shops have dropped 40-60 centimeters since June.

New bottom records for July were measured at SGU observation sites in Halmstad, Varberg, Tiveden, Lysekil, Lerum, Kungsbacka, Komosse, Motala, Kinda, Brattforsheden in Varmland, Hornslandet in the county of Gävleborg, Torpshammar and Kallsjön to Jämtlands län and Dorotea to Västerbotten.

"Rapid evaporation"

In May, levels were above or close to normal for the season, but by June they had dropped dramatically and continued to decline rapidly since then.

– The water dropped dramatically in June due to the strong heat in May. The little rains that will come will be picked up by the plants or will evaporate quickly, "says Theolin.

He thinks that there will be record levels of groundwater in small stores, even in August

-Rain is now necessary for the situation to change

He points out that the situation can be difficult not only for farmers but also for others.

A disaster does not occur, but if there is a great shortage of water, people can have water in the tankers.] 2018 Worst year?

The worst year with the highest score in the small magazine was earlier in 1976, but now the risk is late that 2018 passes and ends, according to Theolin.

-We did not believe in April, we had a good winter with a lot of snow, and then we thought the situation was calm, says Theolin.

However, the levels in the big ma Gasines have been relatively good so far. They are close to normal for the season, except in southern Norrland, Svealand and northern Götaland where they are below normal.

-For major magazines, it's pretty. The situation was worse in 2016 and 2017, "says Theolin

. Groundwater

Groundwater is the designation of groundwater or bedrock. It is formed by rainfall in the form of rain or meltwater.

How much of the water in the natural groundwater cycle is due to climate, geological conditions and vegetation? In Sweden, the average is 80%.

Groundwater is used in agriculture, including irrigation. Some industries also use groundwater in some processes. About half of Sweden's drinking water comes from the underground water store.

Source: NE

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