Facebook bugs – the owners demand the departure of Zuckerberg


The historic stock market comes after Facebook announced its second quarterly report late Wednesday night after the closing of the US stock markets. When they opened Thursday afternoon, the action fell sharply and at 17:30 to 18.95%

The quarterly report presented by Facebook on Wednesday shows that the growth rate of the number of daily users in Europe and the United States slowed down for the first time Something that can be derived from the new GDPR laws and the analytic scandal of Cambridge.

Joakim Bornold, a savings economist at Avanza, believes that the market's response to the report is due to a high score and a report that did not meet expectations. 19659002] – The companies FAANG (remark of DN: financial hassle for Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) are very appreciated, very high and it becomes more difficult to defend the values ​​of each published quarterly report. "


– Yes, there is a risk of proliferation, but in my opinion it is limited to the great nation of other giants of technology in the States But I do not think it's a bubble bursting in.

Marie Grusell is a media researcher at the University of Gothenburg, she does not think it's too serious about everything.

– This is more of the reaction of the market to the report than of Facebook's future.If it did not make money, there might be danger and the price, but scratched, it's probably only an intuition in their daily lives, she continues, and continues:

– This will be good news, but

However, she think may be a problem of discussion as it recovers after the scandal of Cambridge Analytics.

– Pursuing for a few years to come, the po Facebook's appearance on the market can go to

According to the Direkt News Agency, one of the company's main owners, Trillium Asset Management, has asked for the resignation of CEO Mark Zuckerberg after the report and the purse

– I think that will not happen at the beginning. He's so synonymous with the company, so he's learning to be pretty sure of his rudder, "said Marie Grusell.

According to Bloomberg News, the 18% drop, if it was in line with the close of the stock market, would be a $ 124 billion loss – The largest loss of value ever recorded by a US company in a day

Read also: Why Facebook's share drops

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