Facebook has discovered an impact campaign for this year's elections in the United States


In a series of weekly weekly reports, Facebook for the country's lawmakers had discovered the campaign during its campaign campaign of impact for the mid-year elections of the year, wrote the New York Times.

The company has not been able to bind the accounts to Russia, but argues that it is possible that Russia is involved.

"We are still at an early stage of our investigation and do not have all the facts, including who is behind this," Facebook wrote in a statement.

It was two weeks ago that the company discovered eight pages and 17 profiles on Facebook, as well as seven Instagram accounts, according to Facebook's statement.

Up to 30 accounts have been deleted, writes CNN.

The giant worked with the FBI to investigate the suspicious activity.

Just as Russia's involvement in the US election campaign in 2016, the activity now discovered on social issues breaks the people up and arouses strong feelings.

Among other things, it is the White Forces movement Unite the Right, which is planning a rally in the US capital in August on the occasion of the "Unity the Right". anniversary of the racist act that killed a woman from Charlottesville.

The activity was also found among leftist movements that want to abolish the authority of Immigration and Customs (ICE).

Facebook has expanded its security teams, hired experts on terrorism, and recruited more and more people to catch up with players who, through social media, are creating divisions among different communities.

Artificial intelligence and human resources are used to detect automated accounts and suspicious activities associated with selection.

Facebook also tried to make it more difficult for impact campaigns to use Facebook classified ads to influence public opinion.

This is done, for example, by requiring that US political advertisers register at a national email address and record all political advertisements in a public database.

Officials of the United States Intelligence and justice has long warned that Russia is actively trying to undermine American democracy and that this poses a threat to this year's elections.

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