Few people think that they become rich | Realtid.se


The Danske Bank survey also shows that Swedish definitions of wealth are very different. The majority think that wealth is similar to not having to worry about its private economy. Half believe that wealth is equal to the desired or economically independent life.

On behalf of Danske Bank, Yougov interviewed a representative sample of 5,040 Swedish adults aged 18 and over on their finances during the 16 March-1 April 2018. Respondents answered questions on their retirement, their savings and their housing.

The greatest optimism among young people

The most optimistic about their chances of becoming wealthy are the youngest in the 18-24 age group, where nearly three out of ten (28%) think that they will be rich. After the age of 55, only 5% still believe that it is possible. At the same time, the older ones, over 65, think that they are already rich. A sixth (16%) of all Swedes over 65 are rich.

– The biggest is the optimism of young people, which is natural in their future. But this is also true to take advantage of the opportunities that exist to create a good economy. For example, you can invest in an education because it gives you more chances to get a good paying job. Interest rates make the person who starts saving early also more likely to raise large savings capital. According to Maria Landeborn, a savings economist at Danske Bank Sweden, this represents a greater opportunity to live a rich life in a double sense.

The women's economy is an obstacle to separation

have the opportunity to become rich in life. Half (48%) say that they say very little or not at all that they will never be rich. Among women, only 12% feel that they will be rich in life while 17% of men think that she has a good chance.

– As a woman, it is very important to be aware of the economy. In general, women still have lower incomes than men, and stay at home more and more with their children, take care of sick children and spend their working hours, which affects times the savings capacity and the future pension. Studies also show that many women view the economy as an obstacle to the separation of their partners, which can be avoided by having their own savings. According to Maria Landeborn, this also increases the chances of getting rich



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