Fewer charter flights and domestic flights are chosen


Since 2009, the airline industry has experienced significant growth, particularly in regions where international travel has increased each year. In 2018, the trend has been stopped. Despite the fact that international journeys are increasing, they do not go up as much as before, "explains Jean-Marie Skoglund of Transportstyrelsen.

According to the Transportation Agency, more than 850,000 more travelers have traveled internationally this year compared to last year. This is a four percent increase. In previous years, the increase was greater than 9%, which corresponds to about 1.7 million people.

Reduced domestic flight

During the January-September period of this year, domestic travel decreased by 188,000 passengers. This is a slight increase over the same period in 2016, but a drop of just over three percent from 2017.

Even charter trips have slightly decreased.

According to Jean-Marie Skoglund of the Agence des transports, this decrease may have several reasons, including the fact that the airline NextJet went bankrupt this spring.

"Then we do not yet know what the effects of taxes on aviation introduced in April.

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"Airlines will reduce traffic"

Reduced air passengers may indicate an imminent recession, but it is still too early to draw such conclusions, according to the National Institute of Economic Research.

Marie – Jean Skoglund thinks that the summer heat and the climatic problems may have influenced the attitude of the Swedes with regard to air travel.

"People think of their travels in a completely different way now than before," he said.

If the trend continues and the number of passengers in the aircraft decreases, this will have consequences for the aviation industry.

"Airlines will reduce traffic, and in the long run some lines may be closed," says Transporttyrelsen's Jean-Marie Skoglund.

"You do not have to travel to Thailand every year"

Victoria Berefelt has stopped flying and feels that it is important that others do the same.

"It was incredibly uncomfortable with the heat of this summer.I was in Gotland where there was a huge fire risk all summer and my sister 's horses were short of food. I was completely anxious about the climate and decided to stop flying, she said.

Victoria Berefelt has stopped flying, fearing for the environment. Here with Max's son, 12 years old.

Photo: private

"You may not have to stop completely, but you do not have to go to Thailand with your family every year." Once you've been there, that's enough.

Although Victoria refuses to take the plane as far as possible, she thinks it's not impossible that she will come back in the future.

"Maybe I'll steal more if my son moves to the United States, for example, but otherwise I think I flew in. My husband and I are going to Berlin soon, then we'll take the train," she says.

These may be the reason for fewer flights

Climate change:

More and more people are becoming aware of the environment and the human impact on it.

aviation tax:

In April 2018, the flight tax increased, which means that it became more expensive to fly from 60 to 400 crowns.

Flights to EU countries now cost 60 SEK more, non-EU countries under 600 km cost 250 more, and the ticket for non-EU countries is more than 400 km previously.


In times of recession, people often stop traveling and the airline industry suffers.

Hot summer:

The summer was hot, which may have compromised the desire to go on vacation.

SOURCE: Jean-Marie Skoglund, Transportation Agency and National Institute of Economic Research

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