First for ferry crossings – P4 Kristianstad


Today, both passenger ships have been officially opened after just over a year of driving problems.

Johan Röstin is CEO Forsea Forsea company if HH Ferries was looking forward to changing names today.

"We are the first in the world, and that's also one of the reasons it took a little longer than expected.This is not a mass production." We have 7.1 million passengers, it has to work, "he said.

Tycho Brahe and Aurora ferries – two of the company's five ferries on the line – are now powered by 640 lithium batteries charged with green electricity with the help of a robot for a few minutes when ships are in port.

According to Johan Röstin, the ships are both bigger and use a longer road than the battery ships already sailing in Norway, for example.

Today at the inauguration symbolically connected a great touch – and he became silent when the ferry went electric.

In addition to reducing noise, the company will reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 65 percent, said CEO Johan Röstin.

For Helsingborg and Helsingør the reduction of nitrogen oxides will also affect air quality – which is already noticeable once bins have gradually started to run on battery power.

"The city of Helsingborg has shown that we have drastically reduced our emissions since we started this a few years ago," said Johan Röstin.

Why did you want to make this transition?

"We want to be a modern company and work with sustainable development, so it was very simple for us.

Danish Minister of Innovation Sophie Løhde, from left, who attended the opening ceremony, praised the transition to battery operation and hopes that the ferries will be a model.

"It's huge, and I think it will be a great model not only for other companies, but for other countries as well," she said.

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