Flexible cloak will spread knowledge about psoriasis skin disease


Nearly 300,000 Swedes have psoriasis. Through a concept designed by Prime Agency, the campaign consists mainly of a cape (sleeveless garment) that the fashion company BITE Studios has been commissioned to produce. The Web agency Accomplice, campaign partner, has also created a Web page, as well as the Newnew production agency.

"There are many misconceptions about psoriasis, for example, that the disease is infectious or due to poor hygiene.We want to help end the stigma that many patients suffer from, but also inform about the disease so that patients and their relatives know which treatments are available, stating: Cecilia Young, Nordic Medical Director at Celgene, in a press release.

Previous examples of apparel-based campaigns include a campaign by the IF insurance company, which paid attention to the reflexes of the "Back" brand. The campaign cape "Psoriasis Studios" was developed based on reflections and conversations with people from the organization Young with Psoriasis. The specially designed cap is designed to be worn in different ways, so that the psoriasis sufferer can choose the level of skin that it is easy for him to show from one occasion to the next. It is also made of a soft material that prevents stains from sticking, as can be the case with tighter clothes.

"For us, it was important to design a very aesthetic garment that gives the wearer a sense of pride." We took the stories, but the garment should be worn and appreciated by everyone, commenting William Lundgren, CEO and founder of BITE Studios.

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