Found 300,000 SEK – Tickets failed to redeem


A lucky woman found an envelope of 325,000 crowns under a box of potatoes when she cleaned her cellar for food. The police decided that she could keep the money – but the story ends unfortunately, writes Östersunds Posten.

Happiness became short for the woman Lycksele who found 325,000 crowns in her food cellar. The money was in an envelope under a box of potatoes and the woman contacted the police, reports Östersunds Posten

We must keep the money

The story begins happily – the police decided that she would keep the money.
Then it becomes boring – the banknotes proved to be invalid.

Invalid banknotes can be exchanged at the Riksbank, but it must be clear that they do not come from any form of criminal activity. So the woman should explain how she found the money

The former owner did not live so the wife explained that she could not prove with certainty where the house was coming from. 39; money. The Riksbank therefore believes that the money can come from the crime and decided not to refund the tickets. The woman appealed the decision in the administrative court, but also dismissed it.

This is how the Riksbank 00:47

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