Found cancer by chance


The Västra Götaland region is currently studying a proposal to introduce PSA tests organized in the region, according to the Regional Center for Oncology in collaboration.

According to Torsten Tullberg, Campaign Director for Camp Mustasch, a PSA test organized and organized at the national level can save 1,200 lives. At the same time, the National Health Council advises against the introduction.

READ MORE: 1,200 lives can be saved through organized prostate cancer tests

READ MORE: Different perspectives on prostate cancer screening

A person who has done a PSA test is Lennart Andersson.

He thought he had a vitamin deficiency and ordered a blood sample from the Internet. The trial showed a high PSA value, which allowed Lennart to turn to the health center. There he had to persuade them to retest.

He was told that he had prostate cancer and that he only had one year left to live. Then he chose to go to Finland where he could receive another treatment. The drug that he called is called Lutetium 177 PSMA and is radioactive.

Despite the death sentence that he inflicted, Lennart is now cancer free, but he was treated himself.

"I have come a long way, if I had known that I had cancer earlier, it would have greatly relieved me." It's a coincidence that I've been there. I discovered, "said Lennart.

He thinks his life would have been different if he had already passed a PSA test.

"If I had had a regular PSA test, I would have never had this medicine.Then, this had never been so prevalent and I could have helped in Sweden.

Instead, he had to pay for the care himself. A note that has ended at over one million crowns.

– It's a miracle drug. Unfortunately, very few can afford, says Lennart.

Three months later, he stopped the radiation and now has a PSA value of 0.02.

– It's wonderful to be healthy! Obviously, you think of another way of living so close to death, he says.

The drugs make it sterile but Lennart does not concentrate on it.

"I am so happy to live that I do not care, I have three children and I am happy with life.

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