Fraud has almost doubled – News


" Hello? "

"Yes, hello, someone is trying to access your account.Can you log in with your bank ID so that we can stop the fraud?"

About this, a call from someone who claims to be calling from a bank or an authority may ring to end an attempted fraud. In fact, they are on the other side of the phone and are misleading.

This has become an increasingly common problem of fraud, says Lotta Mauritzson, a criminal investigator at the National Anti-Fraud Centers (NBC).

New phenomenon

Fraud on people with disabilities, including those over 65, has increased 94% in the first nine months of the year compared to the same period last year, according to reports. NBC statistics.

Mauritzson says that telephone fraud, as in the example above, is a relatively new phenomenon that may partly explain the sharp increase.

This is a growing problem, especially among older people, Mauritzson says.

She thinks seniors suffer for two reasons: first, fraudsters know they often have money on the bank. Second, older people may not have the same understanding of technology as the younger generation.

And then you are very stressed when you think your account is about to be counted. Then you identify yourself without really thinking about it.

You can have some ice and put the handset. Then you can call your bank and check yourself.

70 million

The amounts deceived by the fraudsters in August and September of this year amounted to 70 million SEK for two months. Unfortunately, the figures for October seem to be at the same level, explains Lotta Mauritzson.

TT: What do you know about the people responsible for the fraud?

There are several groups that deal with this. They often have links to serious organized crime, "Mauritzson said.

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