Fraud statistics increase in Falkenberg – News in Falkenberg – 24 hours a day


According to Expressen, the number of reported frauds has increased in recent years, more than any other category of crime. In addition, the methods become more and more sophisticated. For the people concerned, it is also more difficult to exaggerate the fraudsters.

– Only you have a debit card for which you can buy, so you can suffer, says Lotta MauritzsonInvestigator with National Police Fraud Officers (NBC) in Expressen.

In Falkenberg, the number the fraud has increased since 2011. They were then 218. Two years later, in 2013, there were 363 frauds. In 2017, the number was record, with a total of 373 frauds in Falkenberg. See more statistics in the box of facts.

Of the 200,000 crimes reported in Sweden this year, 80,000 of them are involved in short-term frauds – almost half. The target group of frauds varies and can affect everyone, but especially the elderly. Withdrawals are often made through several smaller card purchases, so the victim does not notice anything, but amounts that disappear can of course vary. The stolen card data has increased by 34%, which is considerable, according to Mauritzson.

What is increasing is especially telephone frauds when the scammers call the victim and claim to be someone else, such as the police, the bank or a similar entity. Then you will be connected to the creditor of the bank ID or the use of a bank box.

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