Fraudsters take possession of your bank card with the "student tour"


Stefan Larsson is the investigator for the violation of national crime to the police authority.

He executed the crash of a bank where the two chiefs, aged 22 and 19, were sentenced to two and a half years and one year in prison for serious serial fraud by the district court from Malmö on Tuesday.

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More victims in northern Sweden

– There were a number of clusters and clusters with operations mainly from Malmö throughout Sweden. What we have seen is that there are more casualties in northern Sweden than in the south, "says Stefan Larsson at Sveriges Radio Ekot.

Isabelle Sköld Bull, group leader for Iron Fraud Telecommunications in Dalarna.

Photo: Police

Dalarna was harassed by banker scammers during the year, who, with various methods and arrangements, managed to clear the accounts of several victims.

– Last week, we received four cases from the same small area of ​​northern Dalarna. Sometimes they claim to be bank employees and sometimes telecom operators. The victims were older in these cases, one of them exceeding $ 100,000, "said Isabelle Sköld Bull, head of the Dalapolis Fraud Office.

How to protect yourself from fraudulent bank ID

Never leave your personal codes or account information

NEVER use the bank ID of someone 39: one who contacts you

If you are wary, put on the handset and dial the customer service number of the bank to check

If you suffer – always report a police report. Report investigations of fraud and fraud.

Source: Police and Banks

LEARN MORE: Alarm: Bank Scams on Identity Cards of the Swedish People

Charges over 130 Million

Stefan Larsson tells Ekot that up to now, about 2,200 bank identity fraud reports have been received, of which 900 have been completed.

Exchanges have so far been 130 million crowns.

There are several theories of how fraudsters are able to sprinkle banks of victims and often seem to know who has enough accounts to get out of them.

There has been talk of leaked bank details or qualified assumptions that there is a 50% chance that target councils will have Nordea or Swedbank.

But a secret method to attract the bank affiliation of the victims is through the "student tour".

Excerpt from the police information film on bank identity fraud.

Photo: Police

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Deceive fraudsters with "school investigation"

One week Before the final bluff call, some victims have received a call from a person who introduces himself as a student.

– They were called, for example, by a schoolgirl doing school work on the best bank. And these are people who, to some extent, are older and do not have such a large social environment, but they talk to them and say how they do their banking business: that they use bank boxes or bank cards, etc.

Isabelle Shield Bull recognizes the trick.

– In some cases I have heard about it. It may have happened in many cases, but it may be that they do not remember a week later because it is so commonplace.

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Fraud is classified as a system threatening crime

Banking identity fraud is considered a crime threatening the system, in Because of its powers of electronic identification acts and authorities, in that the fraudsters claim to be government officials.

Thus, it has the highest priority for fraud policymakers, and because investigations often take time, resources are extinguished.

– I really hope that it will slow down so that no one is exposed and gets rid of all its savings, says Isabelle Shield Bull.

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