"Funny that they finally decided to steal"


It is in mid-May that Nextjet, who fled Karlstad and Arlanda earlier, went bankrupt. Since then, Karlstad airport has struggled to find a solution. They have negotiated with several different actors for several months.

In 2017, Karlstad Airport had 28,000 passengers and many need at least 35,000-40,000 passengers to be interested

– As we have already said, we had negotiations with several different companies. But it is difficult to find a player who can support such a line of passengers. "It's funny that someone dares to bet," says Hans Wennerholm

It will be the new Scandinavian airline Air LEAP, owned by the Norwegian group Olsengruppen AS, which will take over.

Important for Business

What do you think it is? Does Karlstad want to fly again?

– I think it's very important, especially for business. Even for employment in Varmland, this line is really important, says Hans Wennerholm, and continues:

– We hope more people will take the flight for this line to last a long time.

Many who fly from Karlstad Airport Go to Arlanda and then fly. According to Wennerholm, few people fly to Stockholm alone.

– It is important to emphasize that this is generally for Arlanda, passengers generally travel further into the country or to Helsinki. According to Hans Wennerholm, many companies in Värmland are connected to Finland.

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