Good as network doctors are examined – Leaders


Leader Since 2016, online businesses have grown and become more. Actors like Kry and My Doctor allow the user to fill out a form via an application in the phone or computer, then meet a nurse or doctor about video calls. The service is funded by county councils in the same way as traditional care visits, although many doubt that it is really possible to make a proper assessment without meeting the patient.

Skepticism is well founded. There are obvious risks with networking services, where it is perhaps more obvious that the physician can only judge the patient's choice to show and say. This problem is also partly in regular medical visits, but to a significantly lower extent. Even though companies make sure to send patients to be examined closer to a health center, there is a clear risk that the physician is missing something meaningful or is simply attempting to give the patient the message that he or she is missing something. he wants.

Popular, especially in metropolitan areas, is that it is fast to get care and you do not have to go to a health center or hospital . This highlights the inefficiencies and inaccessibility issues that exist today, but there are hardly any arguments that guarantee the quality of online businesses.

This does not mean that video calls are bad in themselves. Digital solutions to reach people at home or on the road are definitely helpful, especially for doctors who have already met and are feeling their patients. However, network doctors only meet patients through a screen.

As more and more people are using networking services, notifications to the Inspectorate of Care and Care, IVO, have begun to be incorporated. Now, the authority has decided to review the care on the Internet, as it had previously refused.

The review is a positive message for all concerned. If IVO concludes that online businesses can certainly guarantee quality care and high patient safety, it is an important recognition for both a highly valued and highly questioned industry. If IVO finds serious flaws, companies can try to do something about them. But only when online medical services have been reviewed as traditional care, they deserve the same trust.

Whether clinicians are here to stay or whether they are judged by authorities and users, they have contributed to the development of traditional care. New supported solutions should not be judged in advance, but should not be accepted without prior notice. Too many people have refreshed digital care with holes and hair thanks to the user-friendly application format. But an activity is not qualitative simply because it's in the app format. Skepticism is healthy in this case until an appropriate examination has been done. (SNB)

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