Google may start charging for Android after the judgment of the EU


Yesterday, the European Commission decided to fine 4.3 billion euros to Google's parent company, Alphabet. The Commission believes that Google favors its own services by forcing smartphone manufacturers to pre-install Google apps like Chrome and Search.

More: The EU condemns Google to fines in the Android case

The Google CEO, Sundar Pichai EU decision from yesterday that the company might no longer be able to provide Android for free for smartphone manufacturers. In a statement Sundar Pichai writes:

"Until now, the Android business model has made sure that we have not had to charge the phone manufacturers for our But we are concerned that this decision is interfering with the balance we have achieved with Android and that it sends worrying signals in favor of proprietary systems in front of open platforms. "

This is noted through the CNBC information channel.

Pichai also states that the European Commission ignores that Indroid is competing with iOS and that pre-installed applications are easy to remove and replace with alternatives from other vendors.

Google will appeal the decision of the European Commission.

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