Government crisis package to farmers


The summer of the year has been the hottest since hundreds of years – and yet there is no cool cool in sight.

At 14:00, the government met the press to present a crisis package to support Swedish farmers. Farmers in the country have been severely affected by drought, including lack of food that has led to the emergency slaughter of malnourished animals and grain farmers

Finance Minister: very serious situation "

Sven-Erik Bucht Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson and Climate Minister Isabella Lövin

– Torkan and Heat have caused Sweden to be in a very serious situation.

– He is now the victim of the solidarity of society

The sum for farmers: 1.2 billion SEK

Then Magdalena Andersson spoke about the size of the crisis package:

– Today, we can talk to you about a national crisis package for Swedish farmers. The effect of drought on crops and baits is that the forage situation is very bad for the coming winter. It affects farmers and sales of Swedish food, she continues:

– About 1.2 billion SEK for Swedish farmers, to be paid in 2018 and 2019.

Magdalena Andersson believed that the finances of the state allowed him

The Secretary of State also promised a more flexible use.

– A more detailed system will be developed, explains Sven-Erik Bucht, who also announced that he had contacts with the EU for other actions. grain as food, to solve "this outstanding situation."

– We have also submitted a request to the EU Commission on the support of the crisis. But there, I do not have so much hope that we will have something. Sven-Erik Bucht continues.

Finally, the Minister of Agriculture has chosen to pay tribute to Swedish farmers – urging people to support agriculture, for example when they choose products in supermarkets.

– That's how we are. We are defending one another, says Sven-Erik Bucht

The climate minister's plan for the future

The climate minister, Isabella Lövin, spoke last of government representatives. She told us that in the future, it is important to develop preventive measures, such as greater climate adaptation in the country's municipalities.

"Reducing Taxes and Reducing Hassle"

Maria Malmer Stenergard is the moderate spokesperson for the environment and agricultural policy. It means that the government "brings a hand and brings the other".

– This is extremely important with a crisis package for this group that is so badly hit. She says that […]

Malmer Stenergard believes however that government assistance to farmers is lacking in the long run.

– As of January 2019 much of this support is attributable to the increase in the diesel tax that the government is advocating and defeating only the same group.

Therefore, the moderators want to retroactively reduce the diesel tax as of July 1. They also want a simplification of the paperwork of farmers.

"We need to reduce taxes and reduce the hassle," says Stenergard.

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